Complete Guide: Early Signs of Hermie Cannabis Plants Explained

Complete Guide: Early Signs of Hermie Cannabis Plants Explained


Marsuality or the production of both male and female flowers in cannabis is just a stress induced mechanism for survival. Self-pollinating hermie plants and female plants can re- pollinate each other, which is bad for the quality of cannabis flowers as it produces seeds. Moreover, early detection of hermie plants is important for cannabis growers as such plants negatively affect normal growth and can lead to lower value on the market. This guide will discuss how to identify early hermaphroditism, what causes hermie plants, and how you can avoid it and what to do if your plant is a hermie.

What Causes Hermaphroditism in Cannabis Plants?

Most cases of hermaphroditism in cannabis results from genetic factors and stress resulting from environment influence. Knowing these causes in detail enable growers to act preventively. Here’s a deeper dive into the triggers:Here’s a deeper dive into the triggers:

  1. Genetics: Some of the categories of cannabis are more inclined towards hermaphroditism as compared to the others. Such genetic precondition usually proceeds from unstable breeding practices. Moreover, there are certain landrace strains destined to grow in rather severe conditions and these strains are inclined to different hermie traits as to stimulate their viability. Specifically, for the growers, it is important to select the seeds which have low genetic variability and therefore are suitable for high stress like indoor growing under lamps.
  2. Light Stress: The cannabis plants depend on lighting regimes for the purpose of controlling their growth phases. It is important for the plants to have no light interruption during the flowering stage. Just a short exposure to light from devices, other rooms or natural sources can interfere with the photoperiod of the plant and make hermaphroditism. The growers should look for any light leaks in their grow areas especially when they are at the flowering stage during the dark period.
  3. Nutrient Stress: These imbalances can produce stress in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus as well as potassium commonly referred to as N-P-K. When the plant is at the flowering stage, excessive nitrogen tends to affect the hormonal balance of the plant thus causing formation of male reproductive part of the plant. It is very important to supply the right nutrients in the plant growth progressing period. Either over feeding or under feeding is another cause of stress which makes plant more vulnerable to hermaphroditism.
  4. Physical Damage: Some of the factors that cause stress in cannabis plants include; Impact injury Broken branches Impacts Aggressive pruning Train and stem stress<double-roof> Topping or super cropping is recommended during the vegetative stage because physical stress during the flowering stage will most likely cause hermaphrodite production in the plant.
  5. Temperature and Humidity Fluctuations: Shifts in temperature and humidity: In this regard, temperature variations particularly when it reaches 85 °F (above 29 °C) which affects cannabis plants or changes in the rate of humidity can be a problem. High temperatures cause moisture loss, disorders in nutrient absorption and finally heat stress results in sexual malformation. For the reduction of hermie risks, one must ensure that there is a stable growing environment, temperature and humidity.

In-Depth Look at Early Signs of Hermie Cannabis Plants

It also helps growers to control hermaphroditism before the plants begin pollinating or the other plant in the vicinity. Below are the detailed indicators:Below are the detailed indicators:

  1. Pollen Sacs at Nodes: The pollen sacs which are the male reproductive structures are usually located at the nodes of the plant namely the point of branching or attachment of a branch to the stem. They look like small green balls and due to their small size they can easily be overlooked without observing the plants used for growing them. These sacs will later on rupture and release the pollen to the surrounding. Ideally it is best to get these sacs identified and removed as soon as possible.
  2. “Bananas” (Nanners): These are non-vascular, yellow, filamentous appendages on the female spikes, which are borne directly from the bud. They are generally a little more hazardous than pollen sacs since they can liberate pollen right away. While pollen sacs take a while in developing, nanners can pollinate the plant once they emerge. It ised from their peculiar shape that is similar to bananas. That way, they do not self-pollinate and if at all they do, they do not develop seeds.
  3. Mixed-Sex Characteristics in Buds: The presence of both the pistil structures such as the pistils’ or female hairs and the pollen sacs is an indication of hermaphroditism. This can also be as a result of genetic predisposition or as a result of exposure to stress factors for a long time. It is especially important for growers to pay much attention to the bud sites at the flowering stage since hermaphroditic traits are most likely to appear at this stage.
  4. Irregular Bud Formation: They pointed out that due to the chemical treatment Hermie plants may display a distorted or stunted structure buds may not be formed properly or they may not be symmetrical. The plant thus reallocates energy in the development of both the male and female reproductive structures which leads to less dense, uneven buds. When your plants have buds which look lumpy or underdeveloped then there might be early hermaphroditic shows.
  5. Increased Pistil Abnormalities: Also, pay attention to four-way cross plants exhibiting mixed reproductive traits, and peculiarities of development of the pistil. Speriments of sexually reproduced healthy female pistils are long, white hairs that change to orange or brown with maturation. However, in the hermie plants, pistils will appear distorted, colored or even die early than they should.

How to Address Hermaphroditism Early

If early signs of hermaphroditism appear, quick intervention is key to saving the rest of the crop:If early signs of hermaphroditism appear, quick intervention is key to saving the rest of the crop:

  1. Manual Removal of Pollen Sacs: If you’re around one to four pollen sacs, using sterilized tweezers for removal is quite possible. This method is however very delicate because sometimes new sacs may develop at a later period. The sacs in the plant contain pollen and therefore the environment surrounding the plant should be kept clean always and the plant should always be handled carefully.
  2. Isolating Affected Plants: It is recommended that if the plant has signs of being hermaphroditic then transfer it to a different area of the grow space. Hermie plants are those that pollinate others through air circulation which therefore gives the farmer limited time to rectify the problem so as not to result to a wasted crop. However, if isolating is not feasible in any way then the best solution is to take the plant out.
  3. Adjust Growing Conditions: The next step that you need to follow is to assess your environmental conditions for possible stresses. Does it occur that there are high or low temperatures at the place where the carpets will be installed? Are the levels of humidity all right or rather high or low? Does the dark cycle come into contact with light in your plants? If such factors are taken care of it will help in eradicating further cases of stress induced hermaphroditism.

Preventing Hermie Plants: The Comprehensive Guide

This can only be achieved by paying attention to other factors of cultivation that include female propagation stocks, planting density, well-managed fertilization, and improved planting techniques. One has to exercise some control over environmental conditions, or make proper choices regarding which seeds are best to use, in order to prevent hermie plants from occurring.

  1. Stable Genetics: As a first step always ensure you get your seeds from well known breeders.The following are tips that will guide the buyers during the selecting process;. For that reason, genetically stable plants can hardly produce hermaphroditic traits, if at all, under moderate stress. It will also be useful to select strains that developed from parent plants that are particularly selected for their endurance to different environmental factors.
  2. Controlled Environment: It can therefore be concluded that a controlled growing environment is the best statement of defense against hermaphroditism. Make sure the grow room is well closed so as not to have stray light during the dark period”. There are features in automating temperature and humidity so that conditions do not fluctuate or are regulated according to the important stages in the life of a plant such as flowering.
  3. Balanced Nutrient Schedule: Forcing flowering stage through overfeeding with composts that contain high nitrogen can cause your plant to express hermie traits. Use buds to change the nutrient solution to a low nitrogen high phosphorus and potassium solution when the plants flower. This decision helps the growth of healthy buds while at the same time discouraging the growth of undesirable male characteristics.
  4. Avoid Over-Stressing Plants: Do not use high stress training techniques HST when the plant is flowering. Low impact training (LST), for example by sensitive stem manipulation or by using plant ties, is less risky during this period. Make sure that the plant adjustments are conducted during the initial stage of the vegetative growth in order to avoid some stress later on.


For anyone who grows cannabis plants, he or she should ensure that he or she prevents or gets to recognize hermaphroditism since it leads to poor quality and production of the plants. If you are aware of the possible causes, whether it is genetic or environmental or even nutrient related, you will be able to do something to prevent your plants from being hermie. By inspecting plants for these early symptoms signs such as pollen sacs, bananas and abnormal bud growth while practicing stress-free growing techniques, your marijuana garden will be healthy.

If proper measures are followed like, maintaining constant steady growing conditions and choosing better genetics, a grower can be confident enough to safeguard his crop from effects of hermaphroditism and be assured of splendid yields.

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