The process of cannabis cultivation is complex; and mold is one of the issues that concerns growers and consumers of marijuana. Not only can mold degrade any product that is smoked, but it can also be a severe health hazard to consumers of marijuana. Understanding what moldy weed looks like, how to approach it, and how to prevent it will be covered in this guide to make sure your bud stays good bud.
Identifying Moldy Weed
Spotting Visual Signs
Cannabis mold seems to be rather distinguishable if you’re aware of what you’re searching for. Some of the sighs that are manifested are whitish, gray or green formation at the buds or the leaves. Such patches may at time be blurred or dusty in appearance, the dust being mold spores. These are signs that should not be confused with trichomes, hair like formations that are entirely normal on marijuana plants. These are common because mold tends to grow in areas that are moist and taking your eye off your plants and especially when they are in areas of high humidity is advisable.

Differentiating the mold from the trichomes
Trichomes in general are the glands of cannabis and they look like mold most of the times. Nevertheless, trichomes can be seen as crystalline structures and their surface is sticky while mold is somewhat fuzzier and, often, possesses a moldy smell. In any doubt, you can always grab hold of a basic magnifying glass or jeweler’s loupe to make the difference more conspicuous. Trichomes will look like small clear spikes while the mold will come out like a rough surface.
Performing Mold Tests
In case you are in doubt as to whether or not mold is present, there are a few basic steps which you can take. One of such techniques is the black light test; when exposed to UV light typical color of mold sample is likely to be different than the color of the plant material. The other approach is to transfer a small portion of the suspected area on a microscope to check for mold spores. For the people who have no access to those equipment, laboratory tests could be relied on the most in detecting the presence of mold.
Health Effects of Storing Marijuana at High Risk for Mold
Short-term Health Risks
Consuming or, in fact, even breathing in moldy marijuana will give you one or another temporary condition. It may be as simple as sneezing or the development of running nose, cough, itchiness of the eyes up to vomiting, nausea and even difficulty in breathing. Cannabis users with compromised immune systems or pre-existing respiratory issues should absolutely, positively avoid moldy cannabis.

Long-term Health Impacts
One can this long-term consumption affects the health of the consumer with the effects of moldy weed. Mold spores can cause respiratory illnesses on long-term exposure; it causes chronic bronchitis or even more severe conditions such as lung infections (aspergillosis). In addition, some molds release mycotoxins that are hazardous substances that may harm the lungs and other organs in the body for a long time.
Economic Impacts of Mold on Marijuana
And it is not only health that can be harmed; there are also consequences of an economic nature associated with mold. As it has been indicated, growers, for instance, can lose a whole crop if it is attacked by mold, which entails significant losses. Cannabis that is affected by mold is hot-cake unmarketable and in some outlets it is unlawful to sale or distribute products containing mold. For this it can lead to lost sales and possibly for the larger companies affect the overall brand and its credibility with customers.

Treating Moldy Weed
Indoor Treatment Methods
Mold is normally treated inside and this has to be in an enclosed environment in order to control the level of humidity. In this regard, a technique that has been espoused is to quarantine the plants and minimize the levels of humidity to not more than 50% as this hinders the formation of molds. Preventing the usage of water and sealing of wet areas along with use of dehumidifiers and proper ventilation minimizes the growth of mold. Also, use of fungicides that are compatible with cannabis and have the capacity to kill mold spores on the outer part of the plant can be applied in order to control the mold.

Outdoor Treatment Methods
Outdoor curing was rated to be even more complicated when dealing with moldy cannabis since the environment cannot be regulated. However, pruning the affected parts of the plant, and ensuring that the plants are placed at a greater distance from one another so that they do not over-crowd each other and are hence able to breathe, can work. Pesticides can also be used but one must be careful in selecting fungicides to apply on cannabis for production as some of them are restricted legally. It is really important to keep a check on the mold status and act on it at the earliest sign of an outbreak.

Legal Disposal Methods
It is essential to follow the right way of disposing of the moldy weed since this can form legal problems. In many jurisdictions, any cannabis that is moldy has to be buried as a biohazard. This may include burning or dumping to a particular dump site or center. Some jurisdictions have the law regarding the disposal of moldy cannabis, so it is recommended to consult the legal provisions to avoid the violation of the law.
Minimizing mold production on cannabis.
Optimal Storage Conditions
The following are how to prevent mold on cannabis: Proper storage is the first step to preventing mold on cannabis. Moreover, cannabis should be stored in a cool area and in a place where there is little or no exposure to light and the relative humidity should be around fifty five percent to sixty two percent. Storing detached and covered components in tight plastic containers provide a stable environment for the long road trip and additional humidity packs prevent mold build up. Another thing that should be understood is that the storing of marijuana should not be done in plastic bags since they retain humidity and develop mold.
Humidity Control Techniques
Reduction of humidity is considered as one of the best techniques that may help to master the formation of mold. For the indoor growers it is important to keep humidity below 50% during the flowering stage. This can be done by the use of techniques such as dehumidifying and the provision of adequate ventilation. Temperature can be kept under check by maintaining logbooks while humidity can be checked with hygrometers and hence the chances of mold formation are highly minimized.

Using Anti-Mold Products
As for mold control, there are numerous products available for sale that are made with marijuana farmers in mind. Some of them include anti-fungal sprays, silica packs and the UV light systems which can be used to ‘ward off’ mold. But when choosing these products, one needs to use only those, which can be applied to edible plants and which are tested by the health departments.

Legal Considerations
Legal Disposal Methods
It is important to note that disking of moldy weed has to be managed according to the legal requirement of the state. Based on the location of operation, there might be some laid down regulations on how to handle and dispose the affected marijuana. To the growers it is crucial to know about disposal methods that conform to the existing laws as it assists in avoiding penalties and legal suits.
Legal Disclaimer
Again, it is useful to emphasise that the information offered in this guide is the result of academic research only. Legal requirements for cannabis and mold differ from one place to the other and one needs to seek a lawyer or the local authorities to get the right legal requirements to follow. Cultivation in any form that the marijuana is being held becomes the role of the person or party that possesses it.
Mold is a severe problem for growers and users of cannabis, however, it should be discussed, understood and avoided. With this knowledge on how you can recognize, deal with and avoid moldy weed, you will be safe and also conserve on your resource. Always be wary, and do not wait to contact a professional if you’re not certain on how to go around the mold issue in your cannabis.